A Country SQUIRE - the main website of Jan SQUIRE.
Welcome to my Family History and personal website. I have been collecting information about our ancestors since the early 1970's, and have had a web presence since the early 1990's. My extensive family history is contained in separate on-line pages, managed by TNG software. Read about TNG here, an excellent on-line package. Go to my family history (TNG) home page here. My family history is constantly being updated as I research and discover new information. I am currently writing narratives on each of our main Surnames, and I will have a searchable list soon.
This site contains a lot of information about me and my interests, and the next column has more information.
My family history research contains some fifty years of information accumulation, and celebrates around thirty years of my web presence. You are free to use my publicly available information (with acknowledgement please), but note that details of living people, and many of my sources may not be publicly available. Family members may request a log-in ID to see some additional hidden details. You can also Email me with any family history or privacy enquiry, or find me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
I have added a temporary link here to watch the recent SBS Insight program which features Anne and Jan. Click here to watch . . .
About 'A Country SQUIRE'.
This column provides information about the main menu, above, that you can use to move around this website.
Family History pages - I use TNG software to display my family history research. You can see it here.
I am also trying to show the many narratives I have written about the various surnames I am researching. You can go to the 'Narratives Home Page' here.
The Country (Jan) Squire - this link provides a potted history of my life, past and current interests, skills and experience. There is a drop down sub-menu, or just select 'this is Jan' from the resulting page.
Records Archive - the start point for access to many South Australian resources, which I use as a means to develop my Joomla skills, and do not hold copyright (though I do own copyright to the modified datasets, the presentation of the data, and the coding which is used). From here there will also be access to my my research documentation, images and original documents. The link is password protected, but access is available to learn how the search function works, and the coding is available to those knowledgeable in Joomla.
Being a Genealogist - I am mainly writing this to consolidate my notes from my studies and experience. It is a balance of interpreting my study course without infringing any copyright, and expressing my own views on a range of topics.
Rev Julian E TENISON WOODS, Misionary Priest.
I have taken on a project to get all the published works of Rev TENISON WOODS onto the internet, and accessible. As well as being a Catholic Missionary priest, he was a scientist, naturalist and geologist. I am hoping that the Mt Gambier History Group will take these pages once I have completed my work, and you can find them on the internet here - http://mountgambierhistorygroup.weebly.com. I have started a new page on 'Weebly' for all the articles, being added once they have been fully proof-read for accuracy.
To read more, go to my TENISON WOODS homepage.
I can be contacted at