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- [S11] Births South Australia Civil, 7 Jan 2014.
On 29 June 1868, Samuel Willis SHEPPARD, male.
Father Frederick SHEPPARD, occupation dairyman, residence South Rhyne.
Mother Jane SHEPPARD formerly CHANDLER.
Informant Richard C GREGORY, Springton.
Registered 11 August 1868, at Adelaide, District Adelaide.
- [S12] Deaths South Australian Civil, 7 Jan 2014.
On 28 July 1952, at Curramulka, South Australia, Samuel Willis SHEPPARD,male, widower, 84 years, occupation pensioner, residence Warooka, South Australia, birthplace Mount Pleasant, South Australia, native.
Age at marriage about 32 years, living 2M, 1F, deceased nil.
Cause of death cardiac failure, 5 minutes; coronary artery disease, 6 months.
Informant A R SHEPPARD, Curramulka, son.
Registered 6 August 1952, at Curramulka, District Daly.
- [S13] Marriage South Australia Civil, 6 Jan 2014.
Registered 1901, District Daly.
On 9 October 1901, at Methodist Church, Warooka.
Groom Samuel Willis SHEPPARD, 33 years, bachelor, occupation labourer, residence Warooka, father Frederick SHEPPARD.
Bride Gertrude KEIGHTLEY, 25 years, spinster, residence Warooka, father Charles Stanford KEIGHTLEY.
Witnesses G W SHEPPARD, labourer, Warooka, and Mabel WEDD, Wauraltee.
Celebrant J J NICHOLLS.