Matches 1 to 200 of 348
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1 |
'The Advertiser' recorded that, on 13th March, 1946, she died. The funeral left her residence, 42 Fourth Ave, Cheltenham, for the Cheltenham Cemetery. | RANN, Maude Holbrook (I24)
2 |
'The Advertiser' recorded the marriage on 23rd December, 1914, at the Methodist church, Pt. Adelaide, by the Rev. R. E. Stanley, of Edwin M., youngest son of W. Rundle, to Maude H., eldest daughter of Mrs. and the late J. A. Rann, all of Pt. Adelaide. (From the Rundle family bible.)
| Family (F12)
3 |
10th Viscount Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, John (I6345)
4 |
11th Viscount Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, Robert (I6378)
5 |
1st Earl of Kilmorey. 12th Viscount Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, Francis Jack (I6344)
6 |
2nd Earl of Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, Francis Jack (I6348)
7 |
3rd Earl of Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, Francis Charles (I6371)
8 |
6th Viscount Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, Thomas (I6679)
9 |
8th Viscount Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, Robert (I6358)
10 |
9th Viscount Kilmorey. | NEEDHAM, Thomas (I6360)
11 |
Abraham was an accountant in Victoria, and a shipping agent/storekeeper in South Australia. He lived in Port MacDonnell and Mt Gambier. He died at his residence, Prospect Cottage, Mt Gambier. | BARRETT, Abraham Field (I621)
12 |
According to Clive STODART's notes, Elizabeth BRADFUTE was a descendent of Sir Hugh de BRADFUTE of Lamington Castle AD 1279. His daughter married Sir William Wallace. | BRADFUTE, Elizabeth (I130)
13 |
According to Clive STODART's notes, he was Col. Thomas STODART, C.L.F. M.D. T.H.S. | STODART, Col. Thomas (I2151)
14 |
According to Clive Stodart's notes, James was referred to as the 'King of Covington', because of his size and strength. | STODART, James (I58)
15 |
According to Clive Stodart's notes. this is the same family as the singer Jenny Lind. | LIND, Marion Helen (I120)
16 |
According to Clive STODART, she was called 'Gentle Mary'. | MURRAY, Margaret (I2049)
17 |
According to Faith Boxold, Lottie died at Lynton Cottage Hospital, Lynton, North Devon, England. She was living with Wal and Marg, at their present home 'The Falls', 22 Tors Road, Lynmouth, and had a stroke. She was moved to the hospital at Lynton, but rallied a bit and was moved to a home for elderly people. She then had another stroke, from which she died.
There was a flood at Lynmouth in 1952, caused a lot of damage throughout the place, and it undermined the house that mum and dad were living in. They were running a Private Hotel and they and their guests had to take refuge in the upper rooms. All their personal posessions were in the basement which was flooded and filled with rocks and boulders. They lost most everything, only the guests' bedroom furniture was salvagable. Lorna and Len from Bristol came down and did what they could, also Wal from London (?). Mum and dad then went to live in Bristol with Lorna and Len, and it was after this that dad got ill and died. Then mum went to live with Wal and Marg at Lynmouth. Reg and I were in NZ at this time.
Source documents
Letters from Faith Boxold.
| SQUIRE, Lottie (I300)
18 |
According to Faith Boxold, Thomas was born in Essex. He died in the Kingsway Nursing Home, Bishop Road, Bishopston, Bristol, England, having been moved there from 208 Glancuter Road (?) (my sister's home). He had cancer. My sister nursed him as long as she could, but had to move him to Kingsway as it got too much for her. She used to nurse at the Kingsway before she got married. She met her husband Len there whilst nursing. He fell off his motor bike and was admitted with concussion. That is how they met.
Thomas was an ex Sergeant Grenadier Guard 1st Battalian. An 'Old Contemptible' 1914-1918 War.
Source documents
Letters from Faith Boxold.
| GILSON, Thomas Isaac (I301)
19 |
Adam Stodart, the piano-forte maker, introduced his wife's relative, David Wilke at age 19 to the Earl of Mansfield who commissioned him to work on a painting. Eventually, he became Sir David Wilke. | WILKE, Agnes (I61)
20 |
Additional information provided by Hazel TINGATE (Family History of James W and Mary SMITH), and Don McArthur, of Melbourne. | MCARTHUR, Peter (I709)
21 |
An obituary records that Mr. John Rann, an old and respected citizen of Pt. Adelaide, died at his residence, Church Place, Pt. Adelaide on Saturday. He had been ailing about twelve months. In bygone years, he took a prominent interest in athletics. He was one of the founders, with his brother, of the Pt. Adelaide Football Club. He has left a widow, one son and five daughters. (From the Rundle family bible.) | RANN, John Albert (I28)
22 |
Architect. | STODART, William (I124)
23 |
Arrived in the ship Taormina. on 20 June 1885. | GROTH, Johann Heinrich Ferdinand (I82)
24 |
As mentioned in one last issue, we now give a biographical account of the life of the late Rev David Milne, Tatiara's grand old man.
The Rev Milne was born in Rotherhithe, London, on August 27,1827, and was the second son of Mr George Milne, a working cutler in Stepney. These particulars were obtained from the baptismal record of the Scotch Church, St Vincent, Stepney, a copy of which is held by Mrs Milne. His early life was spent at public schools, but as was customary in those days, he was early sent to work, utilising the evenings for advancement in education. Mr Milne tried first the trade of bookbinding, but not suiting him, he next attempted the printing, and must have spent several months at it, for (as we know) he was conversant with the technical terms of the trade appliances. This trade interfered with his health, so he had to leave it, selecting for life that of a shoemaker, for which he served his time.
His young life showed a tendency towards the Church, and from 15 years of age he was an attendant at the Methodist Church, being converted at 18. He became imbued with the spirit of Christianity, and in his spare time visited the Ragged Boy's School as a teacher and preacher of the Gospel. For several years he carried this out, and at 23 he was married to Miss Phoebe Sarah Taylor, of Lambeth Walk, London, in December 1850.
With his wife he decided to emigrate to the Golden Land Australia, and set sail in the Shackamaxon (Mrs Scown snr being a fellow passenger of his) and arrived at Port Adelaide in January 1853. They at once went on to Adelaide, taking the car of those days, the bullock dray, over horribly boggy roads, and spent the first night in Adelaide at the Black Horse Hotel in Leigh Street, now demolished. He at once opened in trade of shoemaker, and later had a general store in King William Street, spending his after hours in preaching and visiting the Hills district. In 1858 he left for Uraidla, there to open in shoemaking, taking into partnership, Mr Wm. Radford, a companion in Christian work. Three years of happy life were spent here, and then the wife died (March 1861) leaving four children alive, 3 dying in infancy. The family then were — Mrs Thos Driver (Phoebe), Summertown; Mrs Thos Farrow (Teresa), one time of Nth Leeor, Victoria; Edward William, of Bordertown; and Mrs Andrew Marshall (Sarah Ann), who died near Bordertown.
After the death of his wife, Mr Milne felt that it was his duty to go and preach the Gospel, and he accepted a position of missionary under the Bush Mission, and made his first trip to the South East in December 1861, riding his horse through from Adelaide to Port McDonnell. Whilst in this district, he had the misfortune to sprain his foot, and Mr Cook, of Kingston, conveyed him back to Adelaide in the barque "Swallow." A part of this vessel may now be seen at Kingston.
On his return to Uraidla, he was married in February 1862 to Grace Bray, daughter of Catherine Bray, a widow with four daughters and one son, the father dying in Cornwall, England. A fortnight after the ceremony he left his wife with the care of his four children, and arriving in Adelaide he was again conveyed in the Swallow to his work, this time to Kingston. He then took on what he termed his round trip, starting from Kingston and working to Mount Gambier, then Penola, Narracoorte, Padthaway, Tatiara, on to Wellington and Adelaide, the trip taking three months. He thus journeyed over his district four times a year. His diary gave him as visiting the shepherds hut, the splitters camp, the shearers shed, etc, preaching and teaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus. After three years of these trips using Uraidla as a working centre, he found that that town was too far away from his work, and taking his wife and family settled in Kingston, building what is now known in that town as Vine Cottage.
Five years in all he was with the Bush Mission, two years being spent with Kingston as a centre. This organisation then closed up, the composers recognising his sterling worth by presenting him with a large illustrated Family Bible as a token of esteem of his services on their be half. Mr Milne then decided to form a church at Kingston, and adopted the Congregational, preaching in the old school room near the police station. He was ordained in this room by the Revs F W Cox and C Manthorpe in 1866. He labored at Kingston for 7 years, building the church now held by the Church of England denomination, yet continuing his trips through Robe, Narracoorte and Tatiara, Mount Gambier then being well served. Finding the Tatiara becoming well settled, and with the pioneering blood well in his veins, he came to these parts, and with his wife and family landed here in February 1873 to establish the Congregational movement.
He saw the first settlement of the Tatiara with such men as Messrs Adamson and Wiese. In his early trips he used to preach in what was known as the Green Room of the Woolshed Hotel (premises now held privately by Messrs C. Lewis and Connell), the landlord supplying him with a washstand as a pulpit. After a time the landlord protested against the services being held in his house, and the rev. gentleman then preached in a room at the police station.
A school being required in the district, he stirred among the settlers, and a wooden building was erected on the site now occupied by the school residence. It was used on week days as a school and on the Sunday for Divine service. This place was afterwards taken by the Education department. Messrs Thos Adamson and A G F Wiese then associated with him in the building of the present Congregational Church, which was erected in 1880, the Rev W. Roby Fletcher, then leading Congregational preacher of the State, performing the opening ceremony. When Mr Milne came to the Tatiara, he abolished the round trip with the exception of Padthaway.
He first met the Lawson family on his first trip through the South East, and the loving friendship was continued through life, Mr Milne paying his last visit to the station in July of this year. He continued as Pastor of the Bordertown church until 1894, four years previously to this date accepting an appointment under the Parkin Mission Board to make preaching and visiting trips throughout the Desert from Frances to Murray Bridge, and his name is revered throughout all these parts as a friend of the settler, one who gave advice willingly and was ever ready to cheer on the efforts of the mighty fighters of the then virgin country.
In 1894, the time he closed his pastorate in Bordertown, he found his double task too heavy, and thinking the local church would get on better with a younger man, resigned, but held his appointment under the Board. The Rev Pearse, who takes the Anniversary services here on Sunday, followed him. Mr Milne retained the Parkin appointment until 1902, when he felt that he was too old, and that his life of usefulness had ended.
From this period until 1906 he practically rested then he carried out a long cherished wish of going to England to see the people of his district. Disappointment availed him as he only saw one face of the days of his youth. However, a happy time was spent, and he and Mrs Milne returned in October same year, thus spending 6 months away from their home of adoption. We might mention that Mr Milne's wish was to return home to see his four sisters whom he had left 54 years before. Since his return two have crossed the bourne.
After relinquishing his charge, he urged on the congregation the necessity of obtaining a manse, and after a big fight gained his purpose, and the premises one time occupied by the National bank was secured. Both buildings are freehold and out of debt. Whilst in church work Mr Milne started churches at Pooginagoric and Mundalla, the latter charge being afterwards relinquished in favor of Cannawigra.
Apart from church work, Mr Milne was a strenuous worker in the interests of the district, and was a member on hundreds of deputations to the district council and to ministers of the various governments. He was a striver in securing the railway to the district. Privately, he was a travelling encyclopedia, a man of reference, for the settlers of the huge district, as he had to carry out the land transactions, arrange for loans, and goodness knows what, and not one instance is recorded where his judgment was at fault. He was one of the workers in the Institute movement, and was the first to urge such a building for Bordertown. His suggestion was seized on instantly, and with such men as Messrs Adamson, Boothby, Wiese, Scott, Watson and Cleggett, an institute soon became an accomplished fact. He adhered to the institute, and when a couple of years ago his fellow trustees hesitated over the erection of a new building, he ridiculed their timidity and urged faith in the people and the district. Constancy of purpose
gained the trustees in favor, and we have now one of the few fine Institutes in South Australia. When the foundation stone was to be placed in position, the committee unanimously resolved that the honor should be his, and on May 24th of last year he performed the ceremony in the presence of an immense number of people. At the opening of the building he was present, and all speakers referred to the pleasure it had given them to see Father Milne present and his desire consummated.
Need we speak further of his life? A book could be written and then many important items left out. The life was revered wherever felt, and the people showed their expressions by love and the showering of gifts. Mr Milne received three illuminated addresses and heavy purses of sovereigns from the people, and a host of smaller donations. Even when leaving the London Ragged School for Australia, the inmates marked his kindness of heart and presented him with a copy of Calmen's Bible-Dictionary. The book is now a much-prized relic in the home of his son, Mr Herbert Milne, to whom he handed it on.
Mr Milne's outside hobby was gardening, and his home about a mile from the township testifies that he was an expert at his recreation. Ever practical, his gardening shows of this order, the plots being filled with recognised market topping fruit trees and vines, and vegetables of the choicest. Blooms were also cultivated, giving a cheeriness to the home. Mr Milne loved his garden and could always be found caring and tending. Just before his illness he pruned all the trees and with his fork dug around each.
The rigours of his early life's work — the riding through miles and miles of country in nature's grandeur in all weathers, the distances travelled in (as Mr J B Makin once remarked in a public testimony to the old gentleman) the "hob-nailed express" visiting the settlers — had no effect on his physical life; rather, it hardened him as the sturdy oak, and sickness was unknown to him. Even within the last year of his life he invariably walked the distance to and fro to worship and also took a class in the Sunday school. He frequently filled the local pulpit, and at times journeyed over his old country — Frances to Coonalpyn — preaching and renewing friendships of the pioneer days. The youngest to the oldest all experienced a pleasure in meeting Father Milne, and the much loved figure now lost will long remain a monument in the brain of the people of the Tatiara and Border Downs.
The family by the second wife now living are — Mr George Milne, Bordertown; Mr William, Hergott Springs ; Mrs Jenner, Renmark; Rev David, of Sedan; Frederick Louis, Bordertown; Alfred Ernest, of Bordertown; Mrs Gilbert Ferguson, Glencoe; Herbert, Bordertown; Arthur Horace, Adelaide; Clement, Adelaide; Ethel Catherine, Bordertown; Percy Bray, Parkside, There are 47 grandchildren and 2 great grand-children.
Rev David Milne. (1910, October 7). Border Chronicle (Bordertown, SA : 1908 - 1950), p. 3. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article212440436 | MILNE, David (I454)
25 |
Assasinated in Kentucky, USA | PRENTICE, Archibald (I2073)
26 |
At age 16 years, William began using a horse and dray to transport produce to the miners involved in the various goldrushes as far afield as Ballarat, Lexton and St Arnaud. During one of those trips home, he married Sarah SHUEARD. Their first three children (William, Sarah, Robert) were born at Mount Lofty.
The family of five moved to Lexton, Victoria, where George, Charles, John and Thomas were born.
In 1873, the family moved to St Arnaud, Victoria, where Francis, Ada, James, Herbert and Stanley were born. Various businesses were set up in St Arnaud, mainly concerned with the selling of goods.
William married Mary CARNEY in 1889, three years after Sarah died. He left his business in the hands of his older children, and moved to Geelong with his remaining family. In 1892, they returned to St Arnaud, and William became Mayor in 1901. | BRAY, William (I70)
27 |
At the residence of Mr STODDART, Tothills Creek | Family (F749)
28 |
Banker, Aberdeen. | BLACKIE, Alexander (I2027)
29 |
Baron STODART of Leaston, of Humbie in the District of East Lothian;
Life Peer, cr 1981; PC 1974;
Educ: Wellington school; farming at Kingston, North Berwick 1934-58 and now at Leaston;
Contested: (Lib) Berwick and E Lothian 1950; (C) Midlothian and Peebles 1951; (C) Midlothian 1955; MP (C) Edinburgh W 1959-74; Jt Under-Sec of State, Scottish Office 1963-64; oppsn spokesman on agriculture and Scottish affairs 1966-69; Party Sec. MAFF 1970-72; Min of State MAFF 1972-74; vice-chm Cons Agric Cttee H of C 1962-63, 1964-65, 1966-70; led party delegation Canada 1974, 1983; chm: Agric Credit Corp 1975-87; Cttee of enquiry into Local Govt in Publications: (jt auth) Land of Abundence: a study of Scottish Agriculture in the 20th century, 1962; articles on farming in journals and newspapers;
b 6 June 1916, son of Col Thomas Stodart, CIE, IMS (d 1935) and Mary Alice nee Coullie, m 1940 Hazel Jean (d 1959) dau of Lt Ronald James Usher, DSC, RN (d 1948), no ch.
Address: Lorrimers, North Berwick, East Lothian;
Clubs: New (Edinburgh); Hon Co of Edinburgh Golfers; Cavalry and Guards.
Source: ElectricScotland. | STODART, Baron of Leaston James Anthony (I2296)
30 |
Bicentennial Index:
Mrs Catherine BRAY, born 24 May 1812, Cornwall England, died 30 December 1876, buried Mt Lofty. Arrived 1854, by 'Trafalgar'. Residence Adelaide. Religion C of E.
Married William BRAY1833, Cornwall, born St Austell, Cornwall, died 7 August 1844, Cornwall.
Children: Maria HAWKE (1833-1904), Phillippa MEINCKE (1835-1920), Catherine (1837-1840), William (1839-), Grace MILNE (1842-1928), Catherine (1843-). | KNIGHT, Catharine (I33)
31 |
Biographical Index entry:
William Frederick RANN, born 1857, Piccadilly, died 1 April 1909, Buried Summertown.
Married Amelia Elizabeth JARRETT 29 July 1880, Careys Gully. Born 1858, Careys Gully, died 22 October 1929, Careys Gully.
Children: Eliz. HART (1881-), Ada (1883-), Thos. (1886-), Lance (1886-1930), Geo. Wm. (1888-1969), Eliza BADENOCH (1890-1977), Florence SHARP (1892-), Alice Ethel NICOL (1894-1974), Peter Fredk. (1896-), Alick (1898-d.inf.) | RANN, William (I4688)
32 |
Biographical Index of SA.
Samuel KEIGHTLEY, b 1819, d 4 June 1878, at Warnertown. Bur Napperby.
Arrived in 1850, 'William Stevenson'. Res Angaston, Warnertown, Napperby.
Married ?, children John Charles 1846-1925, Charles Stanford 1849-1927, Herbert, and another by 1850.
Transcribed from a BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | KEIGHTLEY, Samuel (I378)
33 |
Susan and Jame migrated to Australia, departing South Hampton on the immigrant ship 'Northumberland', on 27 December 1954, arriving at Geelong on 23 April 1855, after what was a slow voyage. leter letter by grand-daughter Margaret M SMITH suggested that James paid his own fare of 56 pounds, however the records do not note this.
On arrival in Australia, James was employed by Mr. BALLENGER of Chilwell, Geelong, taking supplies to the Ballarat goldfields, for 12 months. About 1857, James moved to Ballarat, and was employed by Mr. McLEOD on a dairy farm at Bullarook Forest. By this time, there were two children, Emily and Adeline. | SMITH, James (I5744)
34 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | SQUIRE, G.K. (I18)
35 |
Births registered as CARRISON. | CARRISON, Agnes (I2644)
36 |
Louis MEINCKE, born 7 October 1835, Schleswig, Germany. Died 11 August 1914, Kapunda. Occ marine pilot, railway porter, carrier. Religion C of E. Father Frederick MEIBNKE, mother Elizabeth MOLLER.
Married Phillipa BRAY, 18 April 1859, at Adelaide. Born 17 November 1835, St Austell, Cornwall. Died 4 August 1920, Kapunda. Father William KNIGHT, mother Catherine.
Children; Frederick William 1859-1916, Elizabeth JAMES 1861-1925, Louis 1866-1880, Phillipa, Jules -1942, Florence GROTH 1868-, Edith 1870-1952.
Transcribed from an index (Genealogy SA on-line record) 16 October 2022. | MEINCKE, Franz Ludwig Rudolph (I16)
37 |
BISA - George BURTON, residence Pt Augusta, rel. Methodist. Married Annie, children Arthur Geo 1883-, Constance Annie 1886-. No ship or arrival date.
| BURTON, George (I1650)
38 |
BISA entry:
David MILNE, Born 27 Aug 1827, ENG., Died 25 Sep 1910, Bordertown.
Arrived 1853 on 'Shackamxon'.
Occ Minister, bush missioner, Res Uraidla, Kingston, Bordertown, Rel Cong., Bapt.
Father George MILNE.
Marriage 1: Phoebe Sarah TAYLOR, marr 25 Dec 1850, Lon Eng.
Born 26 Dec 1825, Lambeth Lon Eng, Died 13 Mar 1861, Uraidla. Parents George TAYLOR and Mary.
Ch David 1851-1853, Phoebe Mary (DRIVER) 1854-1934, Louisa 1855-1856, Sarah Ann (MARSHALL) 1856-1892, James 1858-1858, Teresa (FARROW) 1859-1926, Edward William 1861-1912.
Marriage 2: Grace BRAY, marr 26 Feb 1862, Mt Lofty.
Born 1 Jan 1842 St Austell Con Eng, Died 27 Oct 1928, Bordertown. Parents William BRAY and Catharine.
Ch [as per below]. | MILNE, David (I454)
39 |
Abraham Field BARRETT, born c1825, died 22 June 1877, Mt Gambier. Arrived by 1860. Occupation shipping agent, storekeeper. Residences Port McDonnell, Mt Gambier.
Transcribed from a BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | BARRETT, Abraham Field (I621)
40 |
Alexander GARDNER, Born 11 Nov 1832, Cellardyke, Fife, Scotland. Died 15 April 1900, Adelaide, Buried West Terrace Cemetery.
Arrived at Port Adelaide 10 March 1865, on the 'Queen Bee'.
Occupations cooper, storeman, farmer.
Spouse (1) Barbara MUIR, 7 March 1853, at Kilkenny, Fife.
(2) Janet BAND, 14 October 1864, at Cellardyke, Fife.
(3) Louisa BURFORD, on 24 May 1870, at Adelaide.
Transcribed from a BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | GARDNER, Alexander (I5955)
41 |
Francis TRELOAR, born 6 April 1823 Penryn Cornwall, died 31 oct 1890 Watervale South Australia, arrived on 'Sibella' 1848, religion Methodist, occupation farmer, station owner, agent, coachman, residences North Adelaide, Clare, Watervale.
Spouse Sarah BIGGS, married 16 August 1848.
Children Sarah Jane CROFT 1850-1919,Frank 1852-1934, Emma 1854-1854, Arthur 1858-1941, Emma KIMBER 1860-1948, Walter 1862-1942, William George 1864-1949, Charles Hextal 1866-1940, Sydney 1868-1926, Edgar 1872-1947.
Transcribed from the BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | TRELOAR, Francis (I6622)
42 |
George BLASKETT, born 6 March 1848, Warehorne, Kent, died 1 November 1923, Adelaide, buried North Road cemetery.
Arrived at Port Adelaide 1875, 'Earl Dalhouse'. Religion Methodist. Occupation Ag Labourer. Residence North Adelaide, Ovingham.
Married Louisa SMITH, in October 1874, London.
Children John George, (1876-1896), William (1877-1962), Percy Charles (1880-1966).
| BLASKETT, George (I5131)
43 |
Helen Band THOMSON, baptised 2 June 1855, died 17 May 1924, Pingelly, Western Australia.
Parents Robert THOMSON and Jane ?.
Spouse Herbert KEIGHTLEY, married 7 January 1877, Napperby, South Australia.
Children Fred William Howard 3 Jul 1878 - 18 Dec 1958, WA, William Hamilton Robert 12 Sep 1880 - 1 Jun 1959, Herbert Clair 20 Nov 1882 - 16 Nov 1960, Douglas Stewart 9 Aug 1884 - 1 Nov 1950, Muriel Goldney 17 Mar 1887 - 8 Feb 1888, Edna Merle STOCKDALE 27 Jan 1889 - 2 Dec 1951, Stanley Roy 20 Mar 1891 - 13 Jun 1957, WA. | THOMSON, Helen Band (I9)
44 |
Henry TRELOAR, born 1797, Wendron, Cornwall. Died 19 Jan 1865, Strathalbyn. Arr 1849, 'Cheapside'. Occ miner, farmer. Res Strathalbyn, Kanmantoo.
Married Grace JENKIN, born 1799, died 28 January 1882.
Children Martha NICHOLLS (1824-1887),John Jenkin TRELOAR (1828-),Thomas TRELOAR (1832-), Grace Jenkin DREW SNOOK (1834-1898), Jeremiah (1834-1900), Eliza MOAR (1837-). | TRELOAR, Henry (I5455)
45 |
Marriage Louisa APPLETON, 25 May 1850, SA.
Children Louisa Ann HILL (1851-1902). | TRELOAR, Henry (I5459)
46 |
Janet BAND, born 20 December 1835, Scotland. Died 7 October 1869, Adelaide, buried at West Terrace Cemetery. Parents David and Janet BAND nee SCOTT.
Arrived in Port Adelaide on 10 March 1865.
Married Alexander GARDNER, on 14 October 1864, at Cellardyke, Fife, Scotland.
Children Alexander BAND 14 Oct 1864, Cellardyke, Fife -, David BAND, 8 November 1867-8 June 1935.
Transcribed from a BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | BAND, Janet (I5954)
47 |
Jeremiah TRELOAR, born 1836. Died 30 October 1900, buried Strathalbyn. Arrived 1849, 'Cheapside'. Occ farmer. Res Meadows, Strathalbyn. Rel C of E. Father Henry TRELOAR, mother Grace JENKIN.
Marriage 1 Julia Ann TURPIN, 1 December 1862, Mt Barker. Born 1844. Parents John and Maria.
Marriage 2 Ann Rebecca ?, 31 January 1876. Born 1851, died 10 February 1877.
Marriage 3 Elizabeth ?, 30 May 1883. | TRELOAR, Jeremiah (I5464)
48 |
Johan Heinrich Ferdinand GROTH, parents Claus and Dorothea, born 1861 Lubick, Germany, died 23 December 1940, Newcastle, buried Sandgate, New South Wales.
Occupation butcher, residence Kapunda.
Married Florence MEINCKE, 3 August 1892, at Kapunda.
Children Miriam Dora 1895-, Edith Vida Marie 1897-1880, Frederick 1909-.
Transcribed from a BISA entry (Genealogy SA on-line record). | GROTH, Johann Heinrich Ferdinand (I82)
49 |
John Penhall BRAY, born 1867, died 6 May 1947, buried Mitcham cemetery.
Parents John Penhall BRAY and Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS.
Occupation accountant, residence St Peters, Hackney, East Adelaide.
Spouse Mary Ellen Maude ?.
Children Hazel Pretoria (1900-), Constance Mary (1902-), Eulalie Moar (-). | BRAY, John Penhall (I3201)
50 |
John Penhall BRAY, born 2 Feb 1845, died 6 October 1918, buried West Terrace cemetery, Adelaide.
Arrived at Port Adelaide 1863, ship 'Morning Star', religion protestant, occupation miner, storekeeper, residence Moonta, Hackney.
Parents John Penhall BRAY and Philippa.
Spouse Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS, married 15 March 1865, at Kooringa.
Children John Penhall (1867-1947), Ernest, Laura Edith VINCENT (1868-1931), Elizabeth Ann (1871-1926), Phillipa (1875-1946), Gertrude (1877-1925), Maria (1883-1953).
Transcribed from a BISA index(Genealogy SA on-line record). | BRAY, John Penhall (I3191)
51 |
Nathaniel HAWKE, born 1833, England.
Parents Nathaniel and Mary nee METTERS.
Arrived 1852, occupation butcher, residence Kapunda.
Spouse Elizabeth Jane BATTEN, 19 January 1853, Kapunda.
Children Nathaniel (1853-), George Henry (1855-), Ellen Rosina (1857-), William Albert (1860-1926), John Clarence Rupert (1863-1926), Edith Evelyn (MILLS) (-1944).
Transcribed from a BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | HAWKE, Nathaniel (I6122)
52 |
Peter MCARTHUR, b 1806, Mull, Argylle, Scotland. Died 1892. From Victoria. Occ farmer. Res Mt Gambier, Yahl.
Marriage; children Archibald (1834-1911), Jas, Chas, Dugald, Mrs SINCLAIR, Mrs BUCHANAN, Mrs SINCLAIR, Mrs SMITH, Mrs CARRISON, 2 sons.
Two further marriages; ch Donald (1842-1912), others. | MCARTHUR, Peter (I709)
53 |
Philip Henry SQUIRE, b 14 August 1837, at Bristol, Gloucester, d 3 December 1923, at Modbury, buried at Golden Grove. Arrived 1848 on 'Princess Royal'. Occupation farmer. Residence Modbury, Upper Dry Creek. Religion Methodist.
Father John SQUIRE. Mother Elizabeth TAYLOR.
Married Mary MCCUSPIE, 25 November 1863, at Kensington. b 1 July 1842, at Bernera Is., Inverness, Scotland, d 8 June 1920, at Modbury. Parents Donald MCCUSPIE and Effie MCLEOD.
Children, Flora (1864-1965), Mary (1866-1891), Effie Emma RAFFRAY (1868-1931), Elizabeth Taylor MIELS (1871-1953), Christina Catherina GRIST (1875-1950), Esther Ann BISHOP 1877-1962), Donald Philip (1880-1949). | SQUIRE, Philip Henry (I4714)
54 |
Sydney Milton BAWDEN, born 9 June 1864, Kadina, died 3 October 1919, Butler SA, buried Lipson SA.
Parents Robert Willoughby BAWDEN and Mary Ann GROPLEY.
Occ blacksmith, wheat buyer and agent, farmer. Residence Kadina, Port Broughton, Tumby Bay.
Spouse Dorothy BAILS.
Children Silvia Dorothy BAWDEN (1891-1946), Gladys Doris B (1893-1971), Frederick Lewis B (1896- 1975), Sydney Lionel B (1906-), Rita Eugene B (1899-), Edna Pauline B (1899-1899), Wilfred Robert B (1910-), Milton Willoughby B (1892-1970). | BAWDEN, Sydney Milton (I6019)
55 |
Thomas STODART. Arrived 1839, 'Palmyra'. Occ farmer. Res Mt Charles. Religion Presbyterian.
Spouse Charlotte Jane HUGHES, 31 March 1862, Adelaide.
Children Florence Marian DISHER. | STODART, Thomas (I1291)
56 |
Thomas TRELOAR, born 1832. Died 7 April 1910, Strathalbyn. Arrived 1849, 'Cheapside'. Occ farmer. Res Strathalbyn.
Marriage Martha COUSIN, 17 February 1859, SA. Born 1830, died 22 May 1901. Father Henry TRELOAR, mother Grace JENKIN. | TRELOAR, Thomas (I5462)
57 |
Thomas WILLIAMS, born 1812, Cornwall, Died 29 January 1879, buried Kapunda.
Arrived in 1857, on 'Lady Ann'. Religion Methodist. Occ miner. Res Kadina, Moonta.
Spouse Rachel.
Children Mary Martine (1838-), Ed (1840-), Constance (1842-), Martha (1845-), Charlotte (1847-), Thomas Henry (1849-), Richard (1852-), John (1854-), plus one infant son died.
Transcribed from a BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | WILLIAMS, Thomas (I4136)
58 |
William Rowe HILL, born 2 April 1815, Lands End, Cornwall, died 6 March 1900 Scott Creek, South Australia.
Arrived 1838 'Royal Admiral' religion Methodist, occ farmer, miner, residences Adelaide, Langhorn Creek, Scott Creek, Sleep Tiers.
Spouse Charlotte TRELOAR, b 12 September 1837, Penryn Cornwall.
Children Susan Ellen TRELOAR FAIRWEATHER (1838-1929), William (1840-), Walter (1842-1895), Philip (1844-1919), Henry (1846-1846), Mary Jane (1847-), James (1849-1935), Henrietta (1852-), John (1853-1944), Caroline (1855-).
Transcribed from a BISA entry (Genealogy SA on-line record). | HILL, William Rowe (I5547)
59 |
William SCOTT, born 18 September 1815, Midshiels, ROX SCT, died 27 November 1879, Quorn.
Ship Iron King, 1873. Farmer, Clare, Quorn, rel Presbyterian.
Married Elizabeth TENNANT, SCT, parents Andrew and Mary nee CAMPBELL.
Children Robert (1842-1928), Mary Campbell (1844-1890), Andrew (1848-1925), William (1850-1928), Elizabeth MASON, ANDERSON (1852-1913), James (1854-), George (1856-1929), John Young (1858-1909). | SCOTT, William (I3363)
60 |
BISA: John Perry MOYLE, born January 1818. Arrived in Adelaide 1848, 'Santipore'. Occ miner, bootmaker. Religion Methodist Residence Burra, Kapunda.
Children: Elizabeth Jame (OATS), Mary O'Connor (WILLIAMS) 1842-1886, Peter O'Connor 1851-1851, plus daughters.
Transcribed from a BISA index (Genealogy SA on-line record). | MOYLE, John Perry (I6241)
61 |
BISA: William HAWKE, born 1828 St Austell Cornwall, died 23 February 1903, buried Mt Lofty. Arrived 1854 Trafalgar. Religion BC. Occupation miner. Residences Uraidla, New Tier, Carey Gully.
Married Maria BRAY 18 August 1852 Cornwall.
Children William 1853 - 1854 [at sea 9 March 1854 debility], William Thomas 1857-1873, John 1859-, Maria Jane JARRETT 1861-1926, Edward 1864-1947, George 1866-, Catherine 1868-1894, Arthur 1870-1870, Louisa 1872-1873, William Arthur 1874-1874, Samuel 1875-1960, Rosetta 1878-1879.
Transcribed from The Ships List, 25 February 2024. | HAWKE, William (I68)
62 |
Born either 1637 or 15 May 1638. Died at a young age.
(Notes of Robert Riddle Stodart, through Tania Trayner, and Marilyn Raisbeck) | STODART, Cuthbert (I99)
63 |
Buried in Part C, Chapel of Eternal Memories. Section unknown. | BRAY, Percy (I4952)
64 |
Cause of death: Diphtheria.
Buried with her mother at Portland North cemetery. | BARRETT, Emma Georgiana (I633)
65 |
Census records mostly call Ernest 'nephew'. Why? | SQUIRE, Ernest (I2457)
66 |
Child recorded as father Donald McArthur, mother Jane Cameron. Date and place seems correct. | Family (F791)
67 |
Connie was born and grew up in the Port Adelaide area. She worked as a typist and receptionist at the Globe Timber Mills until her marriage to Ken. The Church was a major focus of her life, playing netball for the Alberton Baptist Church team, and being involved with Ken wherever they moved. The Rose Park Church was the main recipient of her service, where she was Newsletter Editor for many years. She was afflicted with Asthma for many years, being hospitalised several times. She died suddenly in 1974, from a combination of asthma and heart failure. | RUNDLE, Constance Maude (I20)
68 |
Damhead is either a middle name or a location where he lived. | STODART, Adam (I871)
69 |
Daughter of Adam Haig. | HAIG, Marion (I63)
70 |
David held the titles M.D., F.R.E.S. | STODART, Dr David Edmund (I2048)
71 |
Death Date and age from an obituary memorial in Aukland New Zealand Catholic cemetery, " Beloved sons of James and Matilda STODARD". | STODART, James (I2208)
72 |
Death Date and age from an obituary memorial in Aukland New Zealand Catholic cemetery, " Beloved sons of James and Matilda STODARD". | STODART, William Henry (I2211)
73 |
Veteran Show Exhibitor, 51 SUCCESSIVE EXHIBITIONS.
Early on Sunday morning the death occurred at his residence, Bay road, of Mr. Charles McArthur at the age of 77 years. Early on Sunday morning the death occurred at his residence, Bay road, of Mr. Charles M.cArthur, at the age of 77 years.
Mr. McArthur had enjoyed good health all his life, and was apparently as well as usual just before he succumbed. He rose early, and after speaking to his wife, suddenly collapsed and died shortly afterwards. Friends and relatives heard news of his sudden passing with surprise and regret.
Deceased was born at Square Mile, and had lived in this district all his life. He married Miss Caroline Kilsby, who survives. There are no children. Mr. McArthur was well known as a show exhibitor, and his death on the eve of the Mount Gambior show has removed one of the A. and H. Society's most consistent and valued exhibitors and members. He was a member of the committee for many years. He held a unique record in that he had exhibited at 51 successive Mount Gambier shows. For more than half a century his Lincoln sheep had been winning him honours at South Eastern shows, and for 30 years his roses had been taking championship ribbons.
In a recent interview Mr. McArthur recalled to a "Watch" representative that he first showed Lincolns in Mt. Gambier as a young man of 28, when the saleyards were situated approximately at the spot where Messrs May & Davis' service station now stands. The sheep show was held in these yards, and the cattle were exhibited on the hill near the Methodist Church. The Caledonian Hall, Hall of Commerce, and other buildings between the main corner and the church were, of course, nonexistent at that time. The first indoor show, said Mr. McArthur, was held in a hall near where the Hotel Federal now stands, and the old Oddfellows Hall was afterwards used. Shows were later held in the Old Institute Hall, and finally the A. and H. Society became established on the present well appointed
show ground.
Mr. McArthur, whose delightful old garden at Hedley Park bespeaks of his love of flowers, first exhibited roses 30 years ago, when he took up his residency in Bay road. He had marked success with roses at many South-Eastern shows since 1900, and had won scores of championships.
At the time of his death he still owned the old farm, and had a flock of between 70 and 100 stud Lincoln ewes. He had never owned anything but Lincolns, having started breeding from Moorak rams, and continued with rams from the late Wm. Forsyth's Hamilton stud. He had also crossed some of his ewes with rams from Mr. O. A. Christie, of Hamilton.
Nearly all the South-Eastern show societies will regret Mr. McArthur's death. In his younger days he took his Lincolns and flowers as far afield as Kingston, and also met with good success in the Adelaide Royal. He remarked when interviewed, that he had had a good innings, and wished he could have it over again.
The funeral took place yesterday, Rev. A. H. Ballinger conducting the burial service. Mr. W. Pearce carried
out arrangements.
Source: DEATH OF MR. CHARLES McARTHUR. (1932, October 18). Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved February 1, 2017, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article77950331 | MCARTHUR, Charles (I1390)
74 |
Death of Old Colonists - Our obituary today records the death of two very old colonists, namely, Messrs. John Barrett, and Capt. E. F. Chalmers, of Sayes' Court, Bagdad. Mr. Barrett arrived in this colony in the ship Brixton, many years ago, and he is, we believe, the last colonist remaining who came by that vessel. He has been in business for a long time in this city, and is father of Hugh Sunderland Barrett, Esq. . . . Both gentlemen will be regretted by a wide circle of friends.
The Hobart Mercury, Sat 17 July 1869, page 2 (From Trove).
Residence at death; 163 Elizabeth Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Died from softening of the brain. | BARRETT, John (I623)
75 |
Described as a lady of considerable literary acquirements. | BROWN, Jemima Henrietta (I2057)
76 |
Died at sea returning from Lisbon. | STODART, Thomas (I823)
77 |
Died at sea, between Aden and Columbo. returning to Australia, and was buried at sea. | BIGGS, Sarah (I6624)
78 |
Died in still born childbirth. | BUTLER, Eva Ann (I6096)
79 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MCGARRY, B.J. (I1175)
80 |
Drowned in creek near Hackney. | BRAY, William Kitto (I3194)
81 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, Edward William (I4339)
82 |
early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, John Risely (I3562)
83 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRES, Eliza (I3747)
84 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRES, Edmund (I3750)
85 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, George Stocker (I3569)
86 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, Clara Deane (I3570)
87 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, Sarah (I3571)
88 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, Elizabeth Jane (I3572)
89 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRES, George (I3751)
90 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRES, Elizabeth (I3752)
91 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, William Henery (I3774)
92 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, Francis Charles Rook (I3763)
93 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, Sarah Taylor (I3815)
94 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRES, John (I4332)
95 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRES, Naomi (I4685)
96 |
Early SA SQUIRE. | SQUIRE, Flora (I4713)
97 |
Early SA SQUIRE. Possible duplicate entry with same name and birth date. | SQUIRE, Elizabeth Amanda (I3885)
98 |
Early SQUIRE | SQUIRES, Mary Ann (I4710)
99 |
Early SQUIRE birth | SQUIRE, Eliza (I4329)
100 |
Eldest of seven children.
Info from Malcolm SINCLAIR, in June 2012. | RENDER, Florence May (I1511)
101 |
Elizabeth married Rev David Aitken D.D., of Minto, on 13 Jul 1836 in St Cuthberts, Midlothian. Later lived at 4 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. | STODART, Elizabeth (I849)
102 |
Elizabeth's name was spelled in various ways in the Parish Register for Lasswade ; Johnston, Johnstoun and Johnstone. | JOHNSTONE, Elizabeth (I103)
103 |
Extract from SA Biographical Index :
Arrived in SA 14 Aug 1847 on CRESSY
Occ Carpenter
Res Adelaide, Kapunda | MORRIS, William Laity (I1000)
104 |
Extract from the SA Biographical Index :
Arrived in SA 17 August 1847 from England on CRESSY
Occ Blacksmith
Res Gawler West, Adelaide, Willaston | MORRIS, Richard (I1021)
105 |
Extract from the SA Biographical Index:
Arrived in Adelaide 17 August 1847 from England in CRESSY
Occ Wheelwright, Blacksmith, Coachbuilder
Res Adelaide, Goodwood, Edwardstown
Rel CofE, Wesleyan | MORRIS, William Laity (I1016)
106 |
F.R.S., London. A scientific man, invented different combinations of iron and silver, a friend of Sir Humphrey Davy. He was a surgeon's instrument maker.
from ' Memoir of James WYLD of Gilston and his family'.
Source https://archive.org/details/memoirofjameswyl00wyld. | STODART, James (I2880)
107 |
Factor to Sir Simon Lockhart of Lee and Carnwath, Lord Haddington and Sir Wyndham Anstruther Bt. | STODART, John (I119)
108 |
Familysearch information from baptism record Film 1752196. | Family (F427)
109 |
Familysearch name given Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm male, at White Chapel, Middlesex, England. BREININGER father Friedrich BREININGER mother Auguste G TZINGER | BREININGER, Frederick Henry William (I1454)
110 |
Farmer at Low Snape. Some of this information came from a history prepared by Ann Shuttleworth, c2007. Much has subsequently verified or sources checked. | BARRETT, Abraham (I625)
111 |
Father was James Johnstone | JOHNSTONE, Elizabeth (I103)
112 |
Findmypast First Quarter 1879, Banbury, Oxfordshire. Volume 3A Page 829. | Family (F424)
113 |
Findmypast First Quarter 1935, Leighton Buzzaed, Bedfordshire, England. Volume 3B Page 458. | BREININGER, Frederick Henry William (I1454)
114 |
Findmypast fourth Quarter 1844, Atherstone Warwickshire. Volume 16 Page 395. | Family (F425)
115 |
Findmypast Fourth quarter 1859, St George in the East, London. Volume 1C Page 427. | BREININGER, Frederick Henry William (I1454)
116 |
Findmypast Second Quarter 1886, Banbury, Oxfordshire. Age at Death 49. Volume 3A Page 513. | BOXOLD, John Henry (I1444)
117 |
Findmypast Third Quarter. Aston Warwickshire. Volume 6D Page 834. | Family (F415)
118 |
Findmypast, Birmingham, Warwickshire. Third Quarter 1944. Age at Death 61. Volume 6D Page 292. | BOXOLD, James Henry Edward (I1425)
119 |
Findmypast, third quarter 1892, Lambeth, London. Volume 1D Page 417. | BREININGER, Grace (I1426)
120 |
Findmypast; Second Quarter 1883. BOXOLD James Henry E, Banbury Oxfordshire. Vol 3A Page 880. | BOXOLD, James Henry Edward (I1425)
121 |
FOOTBALL.—The Port Adelaide Cricket Club has recently adopted the title of the Port Adelaide Cricket and Football Club, with the following officers: - Messrs. John Hart, jun. (President), R. J. W. Leicester (Secretary), G. Ireland (Treasurer), J. A. Rann, R. Carr, and F. Bridgman (Committee). It will be seen from an advertisement that the opening football practice takes place on Saturday, May 14, at Glanville, on the grounds, of Captain Hart.
Transcribed from "The Evening Journal Newspaper", 13 May 1870, page 2. Extracted from Trove 8 August 2020.
| RANN, John Albert (I28)
122 |
From 'The Advertiser', the birth was recorded, on 24th May, 1916, at St. Paul's Square, of a son, Lancelot John. It was recorded that the birth of their first daughter occurred on 30th October, 1920, at Mrs. McGregor's Nursing Home, of Constance Maude. On 25th September, 1928, at Sister Howard-Jones' Hospital, Semaphore, the birth of Edwin Neil completed their issue. | RANN, Maude Holbrook (I24)
123 |
From a newspaper cutting - Death Notice - RANN, on 14 October, (1933), at the residence of her daughter ( Mrs H G Leach), Carlisle St, Ethelton, Fanny, dearly loved wife of the Late J A Rann and beloved sister of Minnie. | MUSSON, Fanny (I29)
124 |
From Aukland newspaper rolls of WW1: Died of wounds 9 Sep 1915. Next of kin: My Stodart Woodside, Taihape, NZ "Wounded 7-12 Aug CIB". | STODART, James Hutchison (I2305)
125 |
From BISA:
Robert THOMSON, b 1827, Kirkaldy, Fife, Scotland. d 30 Sep 1912, North Adelaide. Bur. Mt Pleasant.
Arr. 1839, Moffat. occ farmer, pastoralist, station overseer. Rel Presbyterian.
Father John THOMSON, mother Janet LOGIE.
Married Elizabeth McGregor THOMSON 27 Apr 1849, Adelaide. b 1829. d 13 May 1904.
Children: Euphemia (DENTON), Eliz (SCOTT) c1850-, Margaret Magdalene MILNE (1853-), John William (c1865-), +4 dau., 1son. | THOMSON, Robert (I5199)
126 |
From Clive STODART's notes; Clifford STODART, D.S.O., died at sea. | STODART, Clifford (I2100)
127 |
From Faith Boxold,
Emily died at 'The Falls', Lynmouth, North Devon, England. She came to live with us after Grandad (Isaac) died, first at Laidan House, Lynmouth, then at 'The Falls'. This is not 'The Falls' where Wal and Marg now live, they called their place 'The Falls' after mum and dad's place. Mary Squire and her husband 'Spider' visited us when we were at 'Laiden House', Lynmouth.
When Reg and I visited England in 1982, we visited their grave and put flowers on it from their old garden 'Staunton Cottage', Staunton Meade, plus some hydrangeas from a house further up the lane - a Mr and Mrs Coles. They had an elderly lady living with them who said she could remember Isaac and Emily.
| GILL, Emily (I64)
128 |
From The Advertiser (1943) - On April 6, at private hospital, Ethel, dearly beloved wife of John Squire, of 37 Stephens Ave., Torrensville, and loved mother of Ken. Aged 58 years.
From The Advertiser (1943) - SQUIRE - The friends of Mr John Squire are respectfully informed that the funeral of his late wife (Ethel) will leave his residence, 37 Stephens Avenue, Torrensville, on Wednesday at 2:30pm, for the Centennial Park Cemetery, Springbank.
Accessed from the Trove website c2010. | GILL, Ethel (I22)
129 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | SQUIRE, J.P. (I46)
130 |
The Late Mr. Herbert Keightley.
The funeral of the late Mr. Herbert Keightley, who died at his late residence, 143 Angelo street, South Perth, on June 5, took place in the Brethren portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery, on June 7. and was well attended.
Deceased was born in Nottingham, England, and had resided in Australia for about 81 years. He spent 57 years of his life in South Australia, and about 24 years in this State. His was a loving disposition, and he made many friends in South Perth and among the many worshippers of his church. The cortege moved from his late residence, Wahroonga, and proceeded to the Cemetery, where his remains were laid to rest at the conclusion of an impressive service conducted by Bro. R.F. Cross.
Transcribed from a newspaper notice (Trove on-line paper). | KEIGHTLEY, Herbert (I8)
131 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | SQUIRE, G.K. (I18)
132 |
Given name recorded as Ann on early family document listing all children. | MCARTHUR, Ann (I1385)
133 |
Guy and Amy had three children, including Ken.
Info from Malcolm SINCLAIR, June 2012. | Family (F442)
134 |
Guy worked as a station hand, at Vindex Station, Queensland.
Info provided by Malcolm SINCLAIR, June 2012. | DONALD, Guy Frederick (I1508)
135 |
Had 6 children born in Oldham Co., Kentucky, USA. | Family (F625)
136 |
He married a Janet STODART, who would have been born around 1795(?) | STODART, George (I861)
137 |
He received his education at the High School of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh University. At the age of 18 he went to Ceylon and took charge of a coffee plantation belonging to his father. In 1863 ill health obliged him to return home, and in April 1864, he was appointed Lyon Clerk Depute, a post which he held till his death. He early developed a taste for local and family history, and even while in India he was an ardent student of those subjects. He published in 1880, "Scottish Arms", in two large folio volumes; the first consisting of a collection of Arms, beautifully fac-similed in colours from ancient manuscripts; and the second, of heraldic and genealogical notes illustrative of those Arms. This work has been called "the most important contribution to Scottish historical heraldry since the days of Nesbet". It established their author's position "as one of the ablest genealogists of the day". A biographical sketch will be found in The Scotsman, Edinburgh, April 20, 1886.
From list of Deaths (1886), NEHGR, Volume 40, (Jan-Oct 1886) page 348. | STODART, Robert Riddle (I2059)
138 |
He succeeded his father in his farm of Bilstane, on the estate of Dryden, the property of Count Lockhart WISHART, and from 1745, of Walston, Lanarkshire. He later moved to the farm of Walston Place, Lanarkshire, belonging to the same landlord. Also in 1745, he rode from Walston to Dryden to give information that a search was being made for George LOCKHART, eldest son of the Count, on a charge of high treason, and this timely warning enabled him to escape to France. Mr STODART was also factor to Count LOCKHART. Notes from 'Memoir of James Wyld of Gilston and his Family' by Robert Stodart WYLD LL.D.
On notes referred to by Clive Stodart, James was referred to as 'the Laird of Walston'. | STODART, James (I62)
139 |
I discovered a terrific new piece of family history information today (2 June 2023). My sister Val has always recounted the story of visiting a cousin in Melbourne with our mum and dad. He was Vic FOX, but the name meant nothing to me. I had a few minutes spare this morning, so I had a look at Victorian bdm records for Vic. There were several entries, but one had the mother's surname of GILL, which is also dad's mother's maiden name. Vic's parents were James FOX and Emily GILL. Dad's mother was Ethel GILL, and it turns out she has a sister Emily GILL. I purchased Vic's birth certificate, and his parent's marriage certificate, and the proof is there - Ethel and Emily are sisters. Now, I will have to see who else came to Australia. Emily came to Australia in 1890, which is consistent with her not appearing in the 1891 census records. She was single and recorded as a nurse, so she probably worked as a nurse till she married Vic FOX in 1902. | GILL, Emily Ann (I964)
140 |
I have another bio, taken from the booklet "Fairfield", by Hazel TINGATE. I have a copy.
Peter McARTHUR migrated to Australia from the village of Kentra, Ross of Mull, Argylshire, Scotland, with a family of 5 daughters and 6 sons and his third wife.
Under the 'Highlands and Islands Immigration', they departed from Birkenhead, near Liverpool, on the 28th August 1852, aboard the 'Marmion' of New York, intending to go to Canada. However, on arrival at Portland, Victoria, Australia, they changed their minds and disembarked on 4 December 1852. They crossed the Glenelg River by raft, and continued on in Bullock Wagons, arriving in Mount Gambier on Christmas Day 1852.
Peter, listed as an agricultural labourer, obtained work as a shepherd with Mr. A. CUNNINGHAM of Mount Gambier, His wage was 40 pounds p.a., and he was employed for twelve months. The three elder sons were employed by Edward HENTY of 'Munthum' station, in Victoria, John at 30 pound p.a. for twelve months, Archibald at 25 pounds, and Dugald at 15 pounds p.a. for 12 months. A twelfth child, another son, Charles, was born to the family after their arrival in Australia.
After four years in South Australia, about 1856, Peter was able to buy a block of land of his own; he named it 'Greenvale farm'. It was heavily timbered and was top dairying country. | MCARTHUR, Peter (I709)
141 |
I have only moderate confidence about the correctness of this family data. Cannot find multiple records to corroborate. | Family (F833)
142 |
I note that this birth index entry shows the given name as 'unnamed'. so L Rex is presumed based on Henry Field MARSH's obituary, and an Email note from grandson Peter. | MARSH, L Rex (I3486)
143 |
In 1852, appointed to the Greek Chair at Edinburgh University. Biography written by Miss Anna STODART. He sought to preserve the Gaelic language. | BLACKIE, John Stuart (I2029)
144 |
In 1916, his widow, Fanny Rann, lived at Church Place, Pt. Adelaide. She died on 14th October, 1933. | RANN, John Albert (I28)
145 |
In 1916, his widow, Fanny Rann, lived at Church Place, Pt. Adelaide. She died on 14th October, 1933. | MUSSON, Fanny (I29)
146 |
In the 1881 census, Emily was at Hemyock with William and Mary; no sign of Isaac, and had four of their children here. They had moved to Staunton Cottage Alcombe Dunster by 1886 when Lottie was born. Emily's family is always shown as living in Lower Alcombe, so we guess the Gill family lived in Staunton Cottage. Emily's mum died in 1886 which coincides with the Squire's moving to Staunton Cottage. James Gill is shown on censuses as living with the Squire family in 1891 and 1901.
The Smith family were neighbours to the Squire family, and in 1896, Charles Smith (b 1894) came to live with Isaac and Emily. Charles' mother had died, and his father was supporting a four year old severely disabled lad and several older children. Charles was still with the Squire family in 1901, but went on to serve in WW1 and later returned badly injured to live a long life in Bristol.
Isaac and Emily's youngest daughter Lottie probably went into service in London, and met Thomas Isaac Gilson. They married and moved back to Alcombe, bringing two children. Interestingly, they lived next door to Charles' brother Harry. In 1914, Wally Gilson was born at the Squire's cottage.
Isaac Squire died on 22nd December,1924, at the age of 78 years. They were still at Staunton Cottage, Staunton Meade. This cottage belonged to the Luttrell family, of Dunster Castle. After Isaac's death, Emily went to live with Thomas and Lottie Gilson, who had moved from Alcombe to Lynmouth (North Devon). Faith and Reg visited the U.K in 1985 and visited their grave, placing flowers from the garden at Staunton Cottage.
I visited the cottage in 2007 with Wally Gilson, and met the current owner. We were invited to have a look inside, and I could visualise how different it must have been 100 years ago. Wally could describe to the current owner what the place was like in the 1920s. Many thanks to Mary Chorley from Bridgwater Somerset for the information about her grandfather Charles Smith and for the photo of Isaac and Emily, and to Daphne of Minehead-Online for the postcard photo of Staunton Cottage. | Family (F25)
147 |
In Walston | STODART, George Walston (I116)
148 |
Information for John, John's father and grandfather have been added based on records and citations recorded on Familysearch website. I cannot independently verify the information at this time. | STODART, John (I5179)
149 |
Information provided by Charles PRICE:
Thomas Vernon Price age: 29 years, date of death: 01/07/1942. passengers profession: Lance Corporal service no.: SX38284 regiment: Australian Corps of Signals wreck: Montevideo Maru Osaka Shosen K. K. - OSK Line cause lost: torpedo remarks: [Unit] A.I.F. 'L' Fortress Signals Sec. [Family] Son of Thomas Harold and Ethilinda Price, of Hyde Park, South Australia. [Fate] Died as a POW when the Montevideo Maru sank. country: Australia references: Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Cwgc entered by: Jan Lettens entered: 22/12/2018 Read more at wrecksite: | PRICE, Thomas Vernon (I3153)
150 |
James had the title FRS and was an amateur scientist. He was a friend of Sir John Humphrey and Sir Michael Faraday. | STODART, James FRS (I828)
151 |
John Squire was born on 7 September 1881, at Staunton Cottage, Staunton Meade, Alcombe, Somerset, Eng. I have a photocopy of his birth certificate. On the birth Certificate of his son, Ken, he describes his birthplace as Hemyock, Devon, England.
He came to Australia in 1911, and settled at Pt Wakefield, working as a Wheelwright for the South Australian Railways. On 31 October 1914, he married Ethel Gill at Pt. Adelaide. They were married in the Pt. Adelaide Methodist Church (in Dale St.) by Rev. Robert Ernest Stanley. Constance M Stanley and Maude H Rann were witnesses. Their only child, Ken, was born at Sister Whitford's Private Hospital, Hamley Bridge, and grew up in Pt Wakefield. The family moved to 37 Stephens Terrace, Torrensville, prior to 1943. This was possibly on John's retirement as a coachbuilder. Ethel died on 6 April 1943, at the Torrensville residence, and is buried at Centennial Park Cemetery.
John and Ethel are recorded in the Sands and MacDougal directories as living in Port Wakefild in 1919, 1936-43.
Source documents
From The Advertiser Marriage Notices - SQUIRE-GILL - On October 1931, at the Methodist Church, Port Adelaide, South Australia, by the Rev. Robert Stanley, John, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Squire, of Alcombe, Somerset, England, to Ethel, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs W Gill, Bristol, England.
From The Advertiser Death Notices - on July 16 at his late residence, 41(?) Stephens Avenue, Torrensville, John, beloved husband of the late Ethel Squire, loving father of Kenneth, father-in-law of Connie, and grandfather of Graham and Jeffrey. Aged 71 years.
From The Advertiser Death Notices - Squire - The friends of the late Mr John Squire are respectfully informed that his Funeral will leave his late residence 41(?) Stephens Avenue, Torrensville, on Thursday at 4:00pm, for the Centenial Park Cemetery. | SQUIRE, John (I21)
152 |
John was born on 9th June, 1845, at Dudley, Staffordshire, UK. John married Fanny Musson, on 22nd June, 1889, at Pt. Adelaide. 'The Advertiser' recorded that on 27th April, 1912, John A. Rann, of Church Place, Pt. Adelaide, died. He was the husband of Fanny Rann, and the eldest son of the late John Rann. | RANN, John Albert (I28)
153 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | SQUIRE, G.K. (I18)
154 |
Ken was born at Whitford's Private Hospital, Hamley Bridge in the mid north of South Australia, to John and Ethel, who lived at Port Wakefield at the time. Probably on John's retirement from the railways, they moved to Torrensville, from where Ken met Connie.
Ken did an apprenticeship as an electrical fitter, but must have begun studying accountancy at nightschool almost immediately. By the early fifties, he had begun practising as a public accountant, and had an office at 308 North Terrace (city) for some years. He also began building spec. homes. During the fifties, he moved the family to Glenside, then Beaumont. While at Beaumont (about 1958), Ken began working as administrator for the Congregational Union (church) in Adelaide,and as a result, he and the family switched from Methodism to Congregationalism. He also moved to Toorak Gardens soon after. During the sixties, he began to explore opportunities for the church to be involved in building and managing aged home and nursing centres. He gradually became fulltime in aged care management, being involved at Rose Park, and consulting for several other centres, under the banner of the Congregational Homes for the Aged. They had also moved to Tusmore, and then to a Manager's unit at the Rose Park Aged Homes' complex.
After Connie died in 1974, Ken retired and moved to Belair. He had an interest in travel, and owned a motor home for some years. He had a number of cancers, and died of throat cancer in 1984.
A newspaper clipping 30 October 1943 - The engagement is announced of Constance M, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E M Rundle, 42 Fourth Avenue, Alberton East, and Kenneth J, only son of Mr J and the late Mrs Squire, 37 Stephens Avenue, Torrensville.
A newspaper clipping from 1944 "RUNDLE - SQUIRE. - Marriage of Constance M, daughter of Mr and Mrs E M Rundle, Alberton East, and Kenneth J, son of Mr J and the Late Mrs Squire, Torrensville, will be solemnised at Woodville Methodist Church on June 10 at 6:30pm."
A newspaper clipping from 1969 "SQUIRE - RUNDLE. - Graham, Jeffrey and Valerie have much pleasure in announcing the 25th wedding anniversary of their parents Ken and Connie, solemnised at Woodville Methodist Church on June 10 at 6:30pm, by the late Rev J H Pointon." | SQUIRE, Kenneth John (I19)
155 |
Killed during a dam buster's raid during WW2.
Military Service 10 Feb 1945, pilot officer, 460 Squadron, service no. 429723. | MILLER, Richard Albert George (I6099)
156 |
Langdon Memorial Fountain.
To perpetuate the memory of the late Mr. Jules Langdon, a former Mayor of Thebarton and a member of the State Parliament, a memorial fountain at the corner of Henley Beach road and Taylor's road, Thebarton, will be officially opened at 3.30 p.m. next Wednesday. The Mayor of Thebarton (Mr. O. R. Turner) and members of the council have issued Invitations for the ceremony. | MEINCKE, Julius (I80)
157 |
Lived in and undertook a major restoration of Kellie Castle from 1878. | LORIMER, James (I2201)
158 |
Lived in Liberton, County of Edinburgh. He was alive in 1643 and left descendants in Liberton, Gilmerton and Dalkeith.
(Notes of Robert Riddle Stodart, through Tania Trayner, and Marilyn Raisbeck. Most names have references to the sources cited, but I have not yet checked them. However, much of the early information is listed in 'The Landed Gentry', p1636 unknown edition.) | STODART, John (I619)
159 |
M.D. | Arthur James (I5680)
160 |
M.D. | STODART, Edward (I869)
161 |
M.D. Medical Doctor. | STODART, Charles (I862)
162 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | STODART, M.M. (I2341)
163 |
Married after 1936. Dorothy's surname should be either PAGE or BARNETT. | Family (F1270)
164 |
Married as Friederich Grabia DOMASCHENZ, so look for a change of name. | GRABIA, Friederick (I1755)
165 |
Married at the residence of Mr MacBEATH, Point MacLeay, near Meningie. | Family (F748)
166 |
Married Helen Hardie 7 Aug 1798, in Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. | BORTHWICK, Charles (I818)
167 |
Married James Aitken. | STODART, Margaret (I841)
168 |
Married name CURTICE | MORRIS, Elizabeth (I1024)
169 |
Married name PANTER | MORRIS, Mary Leila (I1033)
170 |
Married name PEDERSON. | PRIEST, Agnes Lucy (I902)
171 |
Married name ROBERTS | MORRIS, Jane (I1025)
172 |
Master and Governor, Charity school, Redall Hill, Rowley Regis. | RANN, Thomas (I914)
173 |
May have been named Maria. | TRELOAR, Mary (I5308)
174 |
Military Service; 1939-1948, Service No. WX27358. | MILLER, Lloyd Malcolm (I6100)
175 |
October 29. ? Mr. James McArthur, an old resident of Mount Gambier, died this morning, after an illness lasting about six months. The deceased, who carried on business as a produce dealer, was 54 years of age. He was born in Argyleshire (Scotland), and came to the district with his
father, the late Mr. P. McArthur, 50 years ago. He left a wife, two daughters, and four sons.
Source: MOUNT GAMBIER. (1903, November 7). Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved February 1, 2017, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article87869483 | MCARTHUR, James (I1389)
176 |
The death occurred on Monday, June 22, of Mr. Archibald Buchanan, of Commercial Street, Mount Gambier. Although he had not enjoyed the best of health for some weeks, his death was quite unexpected.
Born at "Fair Valley," Square Mile, in 1869, Mr. Buchanan was 67 years of age. His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Buchanan, and he had resided in Mount Gambier all his life. He is survived by his wife ?youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Gershom Smith, and leaves four sons?Messrs. A. H., J. S., and H. D., of Mount Gambier, and R. J., of Brunswick Fire Station. Mrs. H. H, Barrett and Mrs. R. H. Charlick, of Adelaide; Mrs. R. H. McFarlane, and Miss Buchanan, of Mount Gambier, are sisters, and Mr. Walter Buchanan, of Yahl, in a brother. This was the fourth death in the family within six months, his brothers John and Peter, and Mrs. J. Gaillard all having died suddenly.
Deceased way a member of the Druid Lodge for 33 years, and was keenly interested in football and coursing. His remains were interred in the Mount Gambier Cemetery on
June 23rd. Rev. H. Douglas Fearon conducted the burial service, and Mr. E. E. James carried out the arrangements. His funeral was attended by a large number of friends, and many beautiful floral tributes were received.
Source: "OBITUARY." Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) 9 July 1936: 3. Web. 1 Feb 2017 . | BUCHANAN, Archibald (I684)
177 |
Mr. Fred Groth Dead - Former Prominent Butcher.
The many friends of Mr. Fred Groth, one of the best-known early identities of Broken Hill, will be sorry to learn of his death at Newcastle yesterday. Mr. Groth, was in business as a butcher in Chapple Street for more than 33 years, but retired about four years ago. The announcement of his death has come as a shock as he had enjoyed comparatively good health. His daughter, Mrs. Charlie Sheehan, arrived in Broken Hill about nine days ago, and is at present staying at 240 Zebina Street. She received word of the death by telegram yesterday. Earlier in the day she had been informed that her father was seriously ill.
Mr. Groth came to Broken Hill as a youth, and was employed in the butchering business, carried on by Kidman Brothers. Later he took up business in Chapple Street. He was well known for his activities in the sporting world and in Union circles. He was one of the founders of the Butcher's union.
Many a local family has benefited from the generosity of Mr. Groth, but the assistance that he gave and the many who benefited will never be fully known.
After his retirement from business Mr. Groth moved to Newcastle. He was in his 80th year. A widow and family of two daughters, Mrs. Charlie Sheehan (of Newcastle, but who is at present in Broken Hill) and Mrs. W.G. Gardner, of New Lambton, and one son Mr. Fred Groth, of the A.I.F. Mr. Groth was a member of the Masonic Lodge. His funeral took place today at Newcastle.
Transcribed from Trove: Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW: 1888-1954) Tue 24 Dec 1940. | GROTH, Johann Heinrich Ferdinand (I82)
178 |
Much of this English information has been provided by a newly discovered cousin in a local community group. She kindly loaned me the book 'TRELOAR History 1522-2004', published in 2004 by Peter G Treloar. A copy is in the Genealogy SA library. The book does not include my close South Australian connection.
ISBN 0 646 43467 5.
I am verifying as much of our direct lines as I can, through the Findmypast database, Genealogy SA and other sources. There is no strong on-line evidence to connect Benedict Bennet TRELOAR to the earlier ancestors. I have included them on the basis that the published book should be correct, but . . .
The Myheritage website also has this same connection, but I cannot find an independent record to provide absolute proof, and it is not clear what evidence there is to support this entry. | TRELOWARTH, Wearne (I5312)
179 |
Name was spelled STODDERT on the register. Witness was John Lawson. | STODART, James (I844)
180 |
Newspaper notice:
RANN, Eccles - On August 20 1984, at Illoura Baptist Home for the Aged, dearly loved wife of the late John Dudley RANN, loving mother of Alan and Jean, also Donald (deceased), mother-in-law of Noreuil and Bill, also Marjorie (deceased), grandmother of Carolyn and Lindsay, Maxine and Malcolm, Marilyn, Alan and Mika, Colin and Nada, great grandmother of Sandy and Jon. In her 90th year.For ever with the Lord
Transcribed from a newspaper clipping (The Advertiser 22 August 1984.).
| MCFARLING, Eccles (I332)
181 |
No certificates listed in GSA indexes. Possible still birth??? Review. | STODART, Thomas (I2500)
182 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family (F1595)
183 |
Northern Light.
The ship Northern Light, built in Quebec in 1853 was a three masted Schooner of 1,283 (nm) tons, owned by Lemon and Company and registered in Liverpool, Engand. On the 14th December 1863, during a gale in Port Phillip, the Northern Light was washed ashore on Swan Island, but survived to be refloated on the 19th February 1864. On the voyage bringing our immigrants it departed from Liverpool, England under the command of Captain H.W. Plan on the 7th December 1854 there were 435 immigrants, 104 adult males, 217 females, 48 male children and 66 female children all under the age of 14 years, overseen by the Surgeon Superintendent J.T.S. Jolley. The ship arrived at Port Adelaide after a voyage of 119 days with 432 immigrants on the 9th April 1855 as three of the girls had died.
| RANN, John (I30)
184 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | RUNDLE, J. (I330)
185 |
Note: Lived with Fred and Nora TROWSE after losing Mt Compass farm in bogus land deal. | Family (F390)
186 |
He spent time clearing scrub in the South-East of South Australia.
At some point, his wife left him and took their kids. | CLARK, Lancelot Frederick (I774)
187 |
Sgt Gordon Francis HIGHMAN, age 21 years.
RAAF ATT RAF 14 Squadron.
Death 14 June 1942, landing ground No. 10, Middle East.
Usual reidence 14 Winton Street, Broadview, S.A., occupation accountant, birthplace Port Pirie.
Father Herbert Leonard HIGHMAN, mother Elsie Beatrice HIGHMAN. | HIGHMAN, Gordon Francis (I3222)
188 |
Mrs. Christina BUCHANAN.
The death occurred on Saturday night of Mrs. Christina Buchanan, a very old and respected resident of the Mount Gambier district. She was the relict of the late Mr. Duncan Buchanan, whom she married in 1857. She has been in failing health for some time, and her death was not altogether unexpected. She was a daughter of the late Mr. Peter McArthur, a pioneer farmer of this district. She came to Australia and landed in Portland with her parents in 1852, then at the age of 13 years. The place of her birth was the Island of Mull, Argylshire, Scotland. She was 84 years of age at the time of her death, and was thus a colonist of 71 years. Mrs. Buchanan a few years ago built a fine house on the Bay-road, and then left the farm in the care of her sons. She was a valued member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, and was well respected by all who knew her. A family of four sons and five daughters survive: Messrs. John, Peter, Archibald, and Walter Buchanan, and Mesdames H. H. Barrett, H. Gaillard, R. H. McFarlane, R. H. Charlick, and Miss M. Buchanan.
The funeral took place yesterday, when the Rev. J. H. Hull officiated at the graveside. Mr. A. J. McCallum had charge of the arrangements. | MCARTHUR, Christina (I681)
189 |
("News" Special wire.) Melbourne, Monday.
Hugh Sunderland Barrett, barrister, died suddenly at Ballarat. He was a Tasmanian, and a son of the late Hugh Barrett, of Hobart.
Transcribed from the Tasmanian News (Hobart, Tas.: 1883-1911) Mon 22 Jun 1908, Page 4. Accessed 11 October 2020. | BARRETT, Hugh Sutherland (I627)
190 |
The death of another old colonist, Mr. William Leaity Morris, of Edwardstown, is reported. Mr. Morris was born in the Parish of Gulvall, near Penzance, Cornwall, in 1807, and thus had reached the ripe old age of 90 years. He and his wife (who has been dead about nine years), with three sons and two daughters, arrived the colony in 1847 in the ship Cressy. They lived in Adelaide for a short time, and then removed to Magill.
Mr. Morris worked at his trade as a wheelwright in the employ of the late Mr. Adamson for a time, and subsequently, after purchasing land in King William-street south, he commenced business there on his own account. It was while carrying on this business that he became so widely known, especially as a waggon builder. After taking the first prize for the first colonial-built waggon in connection with the Agricultural Society's shows his vehicles were much sought after by farmers and carriers of the colony, and the good name he then earned as a tradesman was maintained up to the time of his retirement from business, about 12 years ago.
Mr. Morris never took part in public affairs, being of a retiring disposition, but he was admired by all who came in contact with him for his sterling business integrity and uprightness of character. Four sons and three daughters with their families of 50 grandchildren and 42 great grandchildren survive him.
Transcribed from the Chronicle (Adelaide, SA:1895-1954), Sat 20 Feb 1897, Page 16. Accessed 10 January 2021. | MORRIS, William Laity (I1016)
191 |
The late Mr. Alfred Ocean Chambers, who died at his residence, Teresa street, Norwood, last week, was well known in Adelaide. He was an old colonist, who had experienced the vicissitudes of life on the goldfields and in the bush in Victoria before he settled in this state, nearly 40 years ago.
The deceased gentleman was born, as his second baptismal name suggests, at sea, in 1841. His father, the late Mr. John Chambers, was a schoolmaster, and was on his way to Hobart when his fourth son was born. He settled in Tasmania with his family. He was one of the pioneer temperance advocates in Australia, having signed the pledge in 1832. The late Mr. A. O. Chambers left Tasmania in 1852, and went to Victoria. He at once proceeded to the goldfields, and remained there for about eight years in the capacity of storekeeper's assistant.
In 1865 he came to South Australia, and was employed by Messrs. Harris, Scarfe, & Co. for two years, but was thrown out of work by the commercial depression occasioned by the drought in 1866 and 1867. While he was waiting for an opportunity to secure another situation he conceived the idea of constructing a "commonsense washing machine." He had not had any previous experience as a carpenter, but he succeeded in turning out useful machines, which immediately became popular. He began business as a manufacturer on his own account, and carried on the enterprise for 20 years with success. During that time he perfected several useful mechanical inventions. In 1887 he joined the public service as relieving officer for the city in connection with the Destitute Asylum. He was prominent in literary society work, a foremost member of the baptist Church, and was a lay preacher for a number of years. He was a persistent advocate of total abstinence, and it is said that he was instrumental in securing more than 1,000 pledges. He took an active interest in all kinds of philanthropic work, and the last letter which he wrote to The Register, published on October 12, 1903, was in connection with an appeal he had previously made for monetary assistance for an unfortunate man whom he had befriended.
Mr. Chambers's family consisted of five sons and six daughters.
Transcribed from the Adelaide Observer (SA:1843-1904), 19 December 1903, page 44. Accessed 18 August 2020 | CHAMBERS, Alfred Ocean (I10)
192 |
The Late Mr. Duncan BUCHANAN.
- One of the oldest residents of the district passed away on Thursday, Jan. 30 (says the South-Eastern Star of February 1), when Mr. Duncan Buchanan, farmer, died at his residence, Gambier East.
Mr. Buchanan was born at Glendaruel, Argyleshire, Scotland, on May 26, 1819, and when scarcely twenty years of age he showed he was possessed of an adventurous spirit by emigrating to Soutb America, where he engaged in pastoral pursuits near Buenos Aries and Monte Video. He found the Spanish laws and customs, however, very unjust to English people : Indeed, to every nationality but Spanish. For fourteen years he endured them, and then left the country without even disposing of all his property. He returned to Scotland, but after so long a residence in a warmer region, found the rigorous climate of the old land too much for him, and having spent a year there, sailed for Australia.
That was about 1856. He went direct to the South-East, where his first occupation was that of a stockkeeper for the late Mr. Neil Black. Mr. Buchanan had become an accomplished horseman in South America, and was able to perform feats at Mr. Black's cattle station that few, if any, even in those pioneer days, could rival. He could, for instance, lasso horses or cattle when riding at full gallop, or riding barebacked at full speed lean over and pick up a stock-whip from the ground. No fences that his steed could take daunted him, and the way in whioh he could at high speed thread his way through the dense forests ot that day was wonderful. After a two years' stay at Neil Black's, Mr. Buchanan married a daughter of Mr. P. MacArthur, sen., and took up the farm in Gambier East, about two miles south-east of the town, on which he remained till his death. For some years Mr. A. MacArthur, his brother-ln-Iaw, was a partner with him in the farm. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow, five sons, and an equal number of daughters. Two of the latter are married, one to Mr. H. H. Barrett. J.P., and the other to Mr. H. Gaillard. Mr. Buchanan, who was a member of the Mount Gambier Presbyterian Church, was much respected by all with whom he was acquainted, or who had business dealings with him, his conduct being at all times courteous and unassailable in its honesty.
[South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA: Mon 17 Feb 1890 Page 2, OBITUARY.] | BUCHANAN, Duncan (I680)
193 |
An old resident of the Tatiara and an old colonist, Mrs. Catherine Fisher, died in Adelaide on Monday. Deceased (formerly Miss Catherine Bray) came to South Australia 76 years ago in the ship Trafalgar, on which her mother was matron-in-charge.
Later she was married to Mr. Fisher, and with her husband and family resided in the Adelaide Hills until 1886, when they removed to Tatiara. Mr. Fisher died 22 years ago, and the widow and sons carried on the farm until, on account of failing health, the former went to live in Adelaide.
Mr. A. A. Fisher, of the Tatiara District Council, and Messrs. H. G. and E. H. Fisher, are sons, and there are also Messrs. Rowland; Lavington, and William Fisher, and one daughter - Mrs. T. Price (of Murray Bridge). Mrs. D. Milne, sen., of Bordertown, is a sister.
Transcribed from the Observer (Adelaide, SA:1905-1931), Sat 14 Apr 1928, Page 41 on 19 August 2022.
| BRAY, Catherine (I72)
194 |
Mr. Fred Meincke, who has been associated with him in the carrying trade, was born on the old lightship. When the railway authorities were building the bridge over the Light to carry the railway to Kapunda, Mr. Meincke was sent up as interpreter for the gangs of German workmen employed, and the result was that he settled in Kapunda as carrier for the railway. Excepting for one term as Councillor for West Ward Mr. Meincke did not enter much into the public life of the town, but he was of a charitable disposition and no-one ever appealed to him in vain. He was a subscribing member of Lodge of Light for 43 years, and was a past master of the lodge. His second son (Mr. Julius Meincke) is at present the immediate past master of the lodge. In addition to the widow, there survive six children?Mrs. Evan James and Miss Edith Meincke (Kapunda), Mr. Fred Meincke (Kapunda), Mr. Julius Meincke (Anlaby), Mrs. F. Groth (Boken Hill), and Mrs. Hambly (Mile-End); 27 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.
Source: The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Thu 13 Aug 1914, Page 11. https://trove.nla.gov.au | MEINCKE, Franz Ludwig Rudolph (I16)
195 |
Mrs Phillipa MEINCKE, an esteemed resident of Kapunda for 60 years, died on August 4. Born at St Austell, Cornwall, in 1835, she came to Australia 20 years later in the ship Trafalgar. Two years after her arrival she married Mr Louis Meincke of Kapunda, who predeceased her. The late Mrs Meincke had a wonderful memory, and could recount conditions which prevailed during the Crimean war. A son - Mr J Langdon (Torrensville) - and four daughters - Mesdames E James (Kapunda), Hambly (Hilltown), Groth (Broken Hill), and Miss Meincke (Kapunda) still survive.
Source: Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), Sat 14 Aug 1920, Page 31. https://trove.nla.gov.au. | BRAY, Phillipa (I17)
196 |
By the death of Mrs. Jane Ferguson at Bordertown on January 22, the Tatiara has lost one of its oldest and most respected residents. Born at Willunga in 1845, Mrs. Ferguson was within a few weeks of attaining her 91st year. Her husband predeceased her many years ago. The deceased lady had a family of four sons and five daughters, all of whom survive her, a son and daughter being Mr. Gilbert Ferguson, of Glencoe, and Mrs. D. A. Collins, of Mount Gambier.
Transcribed from Trove: Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA: 1861-1954) Thu 6 Feb 1936 Page 1. | FORRESTER, Jane (I5862)
197 |
Gruesome Discovery - Wife Found Dead
Adelaide Tuesday.
Mrs Edith Lillian Stead, aged 42 years, was found dead in her bath yesterday evening. Her husband returned from work and entered the home, at Knoxville, and called to his wife several times. Receiving no answer, he made a search and ultimately made the gruesome discovery. His wife apparently had been dead for several hours. Medical advice was procured, but life was pronounced extinct. It is thought that heart failure was the cause of death.
Transcribed from Trove on 6 June 2023. The Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA:1888-1954) Wed 26 Jan 1927, Page 2. | BANNON, Lilian Edith (I5983)
198 |
Miss Lizzie Chambers, who died at a private hospital recently, at the age of 70. was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ocean Chambers. Her father was a well-known manufacturer in Flinders street, Adelaide, for many years. Miss Chambers was born at Castlemaine, Victoria, and came to Adelaide with her parents when an infant. For the past 20 years she had resided at Unley. She was a member of the Flinders street Baptist Church until her death.
Transcribed from the Chronicle (Adelaide, SA: 1895-1954) 24 May 1934 page 26. Accessed 18 August 2020.
| CHAMBERS, Eliza Annie (I175)
199 |
Mr Louis Meincke, widely known for the last half century as railway and general carrier at Kapunda, died on Monday evening. While talking with the stationnmster on Friday evening at the railway station Mr. Meincke was stricken with illness, which proved to be a rupture of a blood vessel on the brain.
He was conveyed to his home in a cab belonging to another old Kapundain, Mr. Ben Warrick, with whom over a long series of years there had been good personal and business relations. His advanced age, 79 years, told against any recovery, and he passed away quietly just three days, to the hour, after the seizure. The deceased was born at Schleswig, Germany, on October 7, 1835. He went to sea from the port of Hamburg, and arrived by sailing vessel at Port Adelaide.
He joined the pilot service there and his eldest son, Mr. Fred Meincke, who has been associated with him in the carrying trade, was born on the old lightship. When the railway authorities were building the bridge over the Light to carry the railway to Kapunda Mr. Meincke was sent up as interpreter for the gangs of German workmen employed, and the result was that he settled in Kapunda as carrier for the railway. Excepting for one term as councillor for west Ward Mr. Meincke did not enter much into the public life of the town, but he was of a charitable disposition and no one ever appealed to him in vain. He was a subscribing member of the Lodge of Light for 43 years and was a past master of the lodge. His son, Mr. Julius Meincke, is at present the immediate past master of the lodge.
In addition to the widow there survive six children (Mrs. Evan James, Miss Edith of Kapunda, Mr. Fred of Kapunda, Mr. Julius of Kapunda, Mrs. F. Groth of Broken Hill, and Mrs. Hambly of Mile End), 27 grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. | MEINCKE, Franz Ludwig Rudolph (I16)
200 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MEINCKE, Frederick William (I12)