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By Rev. J. E. TENISON-WOODS, F.G.S., Hon. Mem. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Corr. Mem. Linn. Soc., N. S. W., &c.
The following shells were dredged off Port Jackson Heads at a depth of 45 fathoms, and were handed to me for description by Mr John Brazier, C.M.Z.S.
T. parva, pyramidata, turrita, opaca, haud nitente, albida, maculis latis, quadratis, fulvis tesselata (in ult. anfr. maculis 2 lin. distinct. zonata); anf. (nucl. excluso) 8, planatis, lineis incrementi undulatis rugoso-striates, superne valide spiraliter canaliculatis supra canalem obsolete granulatis; nucleo (1 1/2 anfr.) naticiformis nitente, basi maculata, convexa, striata labro acuto, columella nitente, exacte definita, canali recurvo, brevi, sutura acute impressa. Long. 20, lat. 6 1/2 mil.
This Terebra resembles a good many of our Australian and Tasmanian forms in the distinct groove in the upper 3rd part of the whorls. It is most like T. Brazieri, Angas, but that shell is always longer, and has acute shining ribs. Until we are better acquainted with the younger forms of this and similar shells its specific value must remain doubtful.
T. parva, pyramidata, turrita, spira acuta, subpellucida, pallide fulva; anf. 13, utrimque late marginatis margine elevata, striata, albo fulvoque eleganter tesselata, intra margines bi-liratis; 5 anf. apicalibus translucidis et rotundatis; basi concava, lirata; apertura quadrata, labro acuto, sinu angusto, profunde insignito. Long. 11, lat. 3 mil.
This remarkable little Turritella is distinguished by the narrow and very deep sinus in the outer lip. It has a raised tesselated margin above and below on each whorl, and the intervening space has two distinct lirae. The colour is pellucid, golden reddish, and the tesselations are red and white. We have one or
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two Australian Turritellas with a sinus in the outer lip (T. sinuata, &c.), but the sinus is broad and shallow, while in this case it is a narrow deep cut of equal width extending some 4 or 6 millim. into the shell.
This singular species is distinguished by its very prominent spiral keel on the centre of each whorl, which makes the shell appear like a small screw. The nucleus is smooth, white, and shining, not reversed but subvertical; the base has three rounded keels, and the aperture is somewhat produced. It is larger than CINGULINA AUSTRALIS nobis, has only one keel, while that shell has two.
T. parva, subdiaphana, sordide alba, subnitente, pyramidata; anf. (nucleo excluso) 4, in medio valde unicarinatis, carina acuta elevata, sutura profunde impressa, nucleo loevi, nitente, subverticaliter sito; basi conspicue tricarinata, peripheria altimi anfr. acuta, apertura circulari integra, extus conspicue quadricostata, labio tenui, leviter reflexo, labro antice producto. Long. 3 1/2, lat. 1 1/2 mil.
T. parva, oblique elliptica, nitente, polita, alba auguste umbilicata, anf. 3, rapide decrescentibus, ultimo loevi, striis tantum inerementi sparsim munito; penultimo costis parvis regularibus radiatim ornato; apertura semilunari, magna, labro acuto, labio recto; umbilico callo parvo, spiraliter costiformi insignito. Major diam. 5, min. 3 1/2 mil.
A small, smooth-shining Natica of oblique elliptical form, mainly distinguished by small, fine radiating ribs on the penultimate whorl.
The next shell which I have to describe is of so rare and remarkable a genus that a few words concerning its generic history may not be unnecessary. The genus RAULINIA to which it belongs was erected by Mons. C. Mayer (Jour. de Conch. 1864, p. 180) for small turbinated, oblong, oval, thin shells, with spiral grooves. Whorls rapidly increasing, convex; the last very large. Aperture large, slightly oblique, oval oblong, entire,
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angular posteriorly, anteriorly sub-effuse. Columella broad, curved, flattened, and with one conspicuous tooth. The author says : "The shell for which I have erected this genus, although extremely rare, has been long known to naturalists. It is the Raulinia alligata, described by Deshayes, in his 'Desc. des. coq. foss d. environs d. Paris' as a Tornatella, and finally placed by the same author in the genus Odontostomia. Having been so fortunate as to meet at Jeurres a fine specimen of this singular shell, I have been able to study it closely, and found myself under the agreeable necessity of erecting a new genus for it. For it seems to me that it cannot be placed with Odontostomia, because of its dimensions and unusual form, from its thin shell and transverse grooves, but above all from its flat non-twisted columella, carrying on the inside an independent tuberculous tooth, which is so very unlike the plait of the Odontostomia. By these characters it is associated with Littorina, and should be placed in the same family. There is in the Paris basin another shell with much the same character - that is Littorina monodonta. It differs from the type in its more elongated form, fainter grooves, and in the position of the tooth. But I believe it should be regarded as a Raulinia"
It is very remarkable that a living analogue of this curious shell should be found in Australia. It. is rare; but no doubt now that its peculiarities are published many more will be discovered. It has all the characters of the Paris fossils, and is another instance of how extinct forms of the Eocene (Calcaire grossier), and secondary formations have existing representatives in the Australian seas.
T. parva, subpellucida turbinata, spira parum, elata, pallide badia saturate, nitente; anfr. 4, rapide decrescentibus, spiraliter regulariter carinata et liris obliquiis crebre cancellata; liris supra carinds transeuntibus; carinis rotundatis, anfr. 13, apice loevi, nitente, albo, diaphano; apertura integra, circulari, antice canaliculato; labro tenui, acuto, postice globose arcuato et producto; labio recto, acuto, dente conspicuo munito, umbilico angusto, profundo
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margine rotundato spiraliter circumscripto. Long. 4, lat. 2 1/2 mil. Hab. Cape Solander, Botany Bay. J. Brazier.
Shell small subpellucid, spire slightly exsert, saturated brown, shining, whorls 4, rapidly decreasing, spirally regularly keeled and thickly cancellate, with oblique lirae which pass over the rounded keels; whorls 13, apex smooth, shining, white, diaphanous aperture entire, circular, anteriorly unicarinate, outer lip thin, acute, posteriorly globosely arched and produced; inner lip straight, acute, furnished with a conspicuous tooth; umbilicus narrow, deep, spirally circumscribed with a rounded margin.
T. parva, elongato-fusiformi, angusta, turrita, spira quam apertura longiori, opaca, alba pallidissime fulva. zonata; anf. 6 (nucleo tumide obtuso, 1 1/2 anfr. incluso) convexis, in spira tenuiter tricarimatis, interstitiis, latis, regulariter concavis, ultimo anfr. tricarinato et lirato, sutura una carinarum insignita; apertura ovata, postice late profundoque sinuata, labro incrassato; labio encausto, exacte definito, canali lato, recto, sat brevi, basi concava, spiraliter multilirata. Long. 6, lat. 2 mil.
A small banded shell without plaits, which is unusual in the genus, but it has three delicate keels, one of which is on the suture, and the spaces between are shallow concave grooves. The sinus is entirely posterior, is wide and deep, and the outer lip is thickened
T. parva, turrita, pyramidali alba polita sed periostraca cretacea quasi obtecta; anfr. 7, convexis, crebre plicatis; plicis validis, acutis a sutura ad suturam pertingentibus; suturis bene impressis; apice loevi tumido 1 1/2 anfr., apertura angusta, labio crasso ; basi loevi. Long. 6, lat. 1 1/2 mil.
I don't know any distinguishing character for this Rissoina, except its chalky periostraca. It is much smaller than R. nivea, but larger than R. gertrudis, nobis; is neither pellucid nor margined at the suture. Hab. Off Port Jackson, 45 fathoms. J. Brazier.
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T. minuta, cylindracea, alba subpellucida, loevi, polita; anfr. 5 1/2 elongatis; apice obtuso, sutura marginata; apertura pyriformi, eversa, labro incrassato, labio inconspicuo. Long. 5, lat. 1 1/2 mil.
A small cylindrical form, differing from R. gertrudis, in being entirely smooth, and highly polished without any signs of plaits. The suture is margined, but the lip is inconspicuous with the lower part of the aperture everted. Off Port Jackson, 45 fathoms. J. Brazier.